Mostafa Mehrem
Mostafa Mehrem has gone through a long journey of growth & development. Mehrem first began swimming when he was 7, having absolutely no background in Swimming this was a difficult challenge to take on. Nonetheless, with the support of his loving family, who managed to always push him – even when he did not really feel like it – he was able to accomplish his biggest dreams, and overcome his greatest obstacles. Mehrem’s journey was a roller coaster at first, having to exchange Coaches multiple times, and prove himself over and over again to every different coach was a lot to take on at such a young age. Mehrem’s mindset was unstoppable, he kept competing harder and harder each time, until he joined the Top 15 & was later even able to join the Top 10. Throughout his journey, Mehrem injured his shoulder, which made it really difficult for him to swim or compete. After a lot of rehab, he later decided to get back to practice, working on improvising & making his body stronger, to make up for his shoulder injury. Once he was feeling better, he went on to his first race after the injury. This race was nothing like the rest, he felt more motivated, he felt well rested & was ready to go all in. Jumping into that race, he only wanted to do his best, focusing merely on himself, he got out of the water thinking he had taken 4th place, turns out, he had received 3rd place, he made it to the podium. Everyone around him was rooting for him. Though COVID-19 had slowed down Mehrem’s practice, he still managed to workout, even if it’s just at home.
As a Swimmer, the aspect I admire and cherish the most of Mehrem’s journey, is his mindset & perseverance at such a young age. Sports are a lot more than just physical, the greatest aspect is the Mentality, the mindset you bring into the Sport. The mindset you compete with. Mehrem was able to continue, to move forward and overcome every obstacle. This is the true and authentic mentality of a Champion. Yes, competing is important in Sports, yes ranking is important. But nothing will every equate to the importance of having a good mindset, good mentality, and an overall healthy relationship with yourself. I’m sure that Mehrem will one day move mountains, I am incredibly proud of him & will continue to support his journey.
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